my.UChicago Operational WorkCenter Reports
All Rosters in a Subject
Description: By selecting a particular course subject (e.g. ENGL, LAWS, PHYS) you will see complete rosters, including cross-listings, for all the classes in that subject in the prompted term. Students are sorted by the class and by any cross-listings. Enter the Subject abbreviation (LAWS) in the “Subject” prompt box. To include cross listings, repeat the Subject abbreviation (LAWS) in the “Cross List Subject” box.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Class Roster Report
Description: Report of available rosters in a term with links to a photo roster, class roster, and a link to bcc the entire class. To return all rosters in a subject, enter the subject code followed by a percent sign. For example, for all English rosters, enter ENGL%. For a specific class, enter the subject and catalog number with no space, for example ENGL10800.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Class Roster Report (No Grades)
Description: Report of available rosters in a term with links to a photo roster, class roster, and a link to bcc the entire class. To return all rosters in a subject, enter the subject code followed by a percent sign. For example, for all English rosters, enter ENGL%. For a specific class, enter the subject and catalog number with no space, for example ENGL10800.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter View
Confirmation Student List
Description: To review the confirmation status of students assigned the task in a particular term. Each confirmation task has a unique template ID; look for the term code at the end of the template ID to identify the correct template. For example, Autumn 2016 Confirmation uses the template UC_CF_2168.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Cross-Career Class Enrollments
Description: Students in one career enrolled in courses offered by a different career. The first career prompt is for the student career. The second is for the course career.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Enrollment Appointments by Career
Description: View student enrollment appointments by term and career. If a student does not appear on the report, this means that he/she does not have an enrollment appointment and will not be able to register online in the given term.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Expected Graduation Report
Description: View all students in an academic group that have an expected graduation term of the quarter specified. The degree checkout status can also be viewed in this query; this will indicate whether or not the student has applied for graduation in the specified program.
Security Role(s): Dean of Students Super Users
Joint/Dual Degree Review
Description: This query returns all students coded as pursuing joint or dual degrees by term and can be used to manage primary affiliation for dual degree students who have more than one academic career.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter
Leave of Absence Student List
Description: View students on a leave of absence in the specified term.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Less Than 300 Units of Credit
Description: View students enrolled for less than 300 units in the specified term.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
LOA Students Eligible to Return
This query will return any students who are coded with a future-dated return from leave of absence; in addition to the division/school prompt, the optional term prompt can be used to return students who are coded as RLOA effective that specific quarter.
Missing Grade Student List
Description: A list of students by program/plan who are missing grades in the specified term.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
PhD in Joint or Second Masters
Description: Doctoral students with two plans for PhD degree, or a 2nd Masters
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and abov
Quarterly Class Offerings
Description: This query displays detailed information on every class offered in a quarter. This includes class identifiers, title, instructor, meeting times and locations, and total enrollments (if any). There is a required term prompt and optional prompts for the subject code (e.g. ENGL) and course career.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter View and above
Student Academic History
Description: A complete history of all classes taken by an individual student, including grades.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Student Bio-Demo/Contact Info
Description: A comprehensive report of student bio-demo and contact information by program/plan. Also includes high-level program, plan, and term information.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Students Eligible to Enroll
Description: All eligible students in Career, Program, or Plan for a selected term.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Student Schedule Report
Description: A student’s specific class schedule for a quarter, showing meeting patterns and locations. Does not include grades.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter View
Student Weekly Class Schedule
Description: A student’s specific class schedule for a quarter, showing meeting patterns and locations. Includes grades.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above
Term Activated Students
Description: A report of students term activated in the specified term.
Security Role(s): Student Services WorkCenter and above