- Courses and regularly scheduled workshops/seminars will receive the highest scheduling priority.
- Departments will submit their annual Schedule of Classes by April 1 each year.
- Core and divisional course offerings should be more evenly distributed through all canonical days and periods and times (Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 9:30pm).
- Department courses and regularly scheduled workshops/seminars should be assigned to proprietary classrooms or nearby classrooms when the match is optimal.
- Non-course activities are scheduled after courses and regularly scheduled workshops/seminars have been assigned a classroom.
- Applies to courses, both undergraduate and graduate, regularly scheduled workshops/seminars being scheduled in a classroom, and any professional school course cross-listed in the College or Divisions.
- A 3-hour course offered once a week should start and end on a canonical time; departments working from among their own courses, or working with another department should identify courses on the corresponding meeting pattern when possible to maximize classroom utilization.
- A 2-hour course offered twice a week can span two canonical periods and should start and end on a canonical time.
- Regularly scheduled workshops/seminars to be scheduled in a classroom should start on a canonical time; departments should identify a course or workshop/seminar on the corresponding meeting pattern when possible to maximize classroom utilization.
- The scheduling of the Humanities and Social Sciences College Core lectures should be coordinated to maximize the use of large lecture rooms.
- Changes in enrollment limits resulting from increased student demand or the consolidation of multiple sections that prompt a room change need to be approved by the University Registrar before the change is made.
- Courses with an enrollment of less than four (4) may be moved to a more appropriately sized space if the classroom is needed for a larger course.
- The Divisions and the Collegiate Masters will support the Registrar and the academic departments during review of the annual Schedule of Classes to ensure that important issues – ranging from discipline-specific classroom needs to the fact that non-peak periods can pose a challenge for faculty with family commitments – are taken into account in working to achieve best results.
- Any request to change the time of a scheduled course after the schedule has been set will be reviewed by the Divisional coordinator in consultation with the Registrar.
- Professional schools should identify classes that will require a room outside their proprietary building at the time the Schedule of Classes are submitted to the University Registrar.
- Exceptions to the canonical policy must be approved by the Provost’s Office.