
Continuous Registration Penalty Fee – $250
A student in Advanced or Extended Residence who is unable to officially register due to restrictions remaining on their account from a preceding quarter will be assessed a $250 penalty fee at the end of the fifth week of the quarter for not remaining in continuous registration.

Late Payment Fee – Varied
Students whose payments are not received by the due date indicated on the bill may be assessed a Late Payment Fee. For additional information please review the list on the Office of the Bursar website.

Late Registration for Current Quarter – $100
Students who register on the first day of the quarter will be assessed a $100 late registration fee. Students who register after the end of the third week of any quarter must file a petition for special approval of late registration.

Late Registration for Prior Quarter in Current Academic Year – $250
Retroactive registration for a non-current quarter within the same academic year requires the recommendation of the appropriate Area Dean of Students. When the approval is granted, the student will be held responsible for all fees (e.g. Health Services, Student Activities), and will need to comply with regulations related to Student Insurance even though retroactive coverage will not be available. A Late Registration Fee will be assessed in the amount of $250 for the quarter for which the registration is being initiated. Note: an academic year begins with the first day of Summer Quarter and ends with the last day of Spring Quarter.

Late Registration for Quarter in Prior Academic Year – $250
Retroactive registration for a quarter in a prior academic year requires the recommendation of the appropriate Area Dean of Students to the University Dean of Students. When the approval is granted, the student will be held responsible for all tuition and fees at the current year rate and will be required to comply with regulations related to Student Insurance even though retroactive coverage will not be available. A Late Registration Fee will be assessed in the amount of $250. No retroactive registration will be approved after a lapse of eight academic quarters.

Cancellation of Degree Application – $65
A fee of $65 will be charged for each degree application that is cancelled after the end of the fifth week of the quarter in which it is filed and will be assessed on the subsequent tuition bill after the end of that quarter.

Degree Application Fee – Time Limit Administratively Withdrawn Students – $425
Ph.D. students who have been administratively withdrawn following the conclusion of doctoral residence are required to pay a graduation fee in the quarter they plan to graduate, if certified by their program. Additional information on this policy and related fee can be found in the Student Manual.