Loan Deferments

A deferment is a period during which you are not required to make payments on a student loan. Most student loans do not have to be repaid until you leave the university or drop below half-time status. The National Student Clearinghouse is the designated agent to verify enrollment status for University of Chicago students who are deferring payment on student loans. Students are able to view their account information at any time on the National Student Clearinghouse website. This is important as lenders use this information on the Clearinghouse site to calculate payment schedules.

The University provides updated status information to the Clearinghouse three times a quarter: on the first day of classes, on the fourth Monday of the quarter, and on the eighth Monday of the quarter. These updates will be viewable about 1-2 business days after the beginning of the quarter and up to 3 business days during the fourth and eighth weeks of the quarter. It is vital that students review their enrollment status, graduation date and other personal data on the Clearinghouse site. If any errors are found within the student account information, students should notify the Office of the University Registrar and update the information via the student portal. Once the office is notified, all information will be updated on the Clearinghouse site.

Should a lender request loan deferment information that is not included on the Clearinghouse’s list of participating lenders and servicers, the student can mail or drop off forms to the University Registrar in person to be forwarded to the Clearinghouse. Only complete forms will be accepted, which includes the top portion filled out and the bottom signed and dated. Please note that we cannot submit forms to the Clearinghouse before the beginning of the quarter. If you have any further questions or concerns please contact us.