Graduate Residence Status

Effective Autumn 1984 the academic records of students in programs leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy reflect these residence status:

Scholastic Residence: the first two years of graduate study beyond the baccalaureate degree. (Revised Summer 2000 to include the first four years of graduate study.)
Research Residence: the third and fourth years of graduate study beyond the baccalaureate degree. (Discontinued Summer 2000.)
Advanced Residence: the period of registration following completion of Scholastic and Research Residence until the Doctor of Philosophy is awarded. (Revised in Summer 2000 to be limited to 12 years following admission to doctoral program.)
Active File Status: a student in Advanced Residence status who makes no use of University facilities other than the Library may be placed in an Active File with the University. (Discontinued Summer 2000.)
Leave of Absence: the period during which a student voluntarily suspends work toward a graduate degree and expects to resume work following a maximum of one academic year.
Extended Residence: the period following the conclusion of Advanced Residence. (Discontinued Summer 2013.)

Students in Scholastic, Research, or Advanced Residence Status, but not in the Active File or Extended Residence status, are considered full-time students.

The academic records of students who are permitted to complete the scholastic or research residence requirement on a half-time basis will indicate half-time study.

Students whose research requires them to be away from residence at the University will register pro forma, if they are in Research or Advanced Residence status. The pro forma registration will suspend the residency requirement only for the period of absence but will not exempt students from any other residence requirements in general.