Swap Out of a Registered Class

Navigate to My Classes and click on the Swap button next to the class in which you wish to swap.

Example of the Swap button next to the class that you wish to swap. It's located on the bottom right hand corner the section.








You will then search for the desired class that you wish to swap into. If the section has seats available, you will see a “Swap” and “Add” button. Click on the Swap button to process the registration request.

Search for a class using the Search box in the middle of the page and select the "Swap" button next to that section.








Once you click on the Swap button, a pop up message will appear asking that you confirm your transaction request. Click “OK” to confirm your request.

Pop-up message box to confirm the transaction.








If the transaction is successful, My Classes will automatically update and a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page. If the swap is unsuccessful, no change will be made to your current enrollment.

Example of My Classes page showing the updated class schedule.